Key Documents
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The Information Governance Team consists of the Information Governance Manager and Officer. Our primary function is to ensure there is a framework in place within the Trust to ensure that personal confidential information and in particular sensitive information is handled in a secure and confidential way and according to ethical and legal standards.
This includes both patient and employee information either recorded on paper or electronic systems. This is measured by the completion of the Data Security and Protection Toolkit (formerly the IG Toolkit) . An important part of our work is to ensure compliance with the national standard for 95% compliance for IG training on an annual basis.
The team provide advice and support to staff on a day to day basis and can be contacted via the Information Governance Mail box
Information Governance Key Documents
Sub Specialty
Clinical record keeping and records management Policy WAHT-CRK-009
Information Governance Policy WAHT-CG-579
Clinical Coding Policy and Process WAHT-CG-774
Corporate Records Management Policy and Procedure WAHT-CG-127
Freedom Of Information Policy WAHT-IG-002
Information Risk Policy WAHT-CG-598
Code of Conduct in Respect of Confidentiality WAHT-IG-001
Data Protection Policy WAHT-IG-004
Integrated Identity Management (IIM) Process Policy
Corporate Records Management Retention Schedule
Subject Access Request Policy
Data Protection - Best Practice Guidance for Leaving Messages for Patients
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