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Infection Prevention Key Documents
Sub Specialty
Urinary Catheter Insertion, Care, Management and Removal Policy
Policy for Outbreak Reporting and Control, including Major Outbreaks
Tuberculosis (TB) in Hospital: Infection Control Policy
Isolation and Bed Management Policy
Policy for Notifying Suspected Infectious Diseases and Causative Organisms
Quick Guide for the Management of Viral Haemorrhagic Fevers (VHFs)
Protocol for the Management of CLOSTRIDIOIDES DIFFICILE INFECTION (CDI) and Prevention of Spread
MRSA and MSSA Screening and Management Policy
Policy for the Management of Carbapenamase producing Enterobacteriaceae
Policy for Aseptic Non Touch Technique (ANTT®)
Guidelines for the use of post exposure prophylaxis (PEP) following sexual, occupational or non-occupational exposure to HIV
Management of Infection Prevention and Control Policy
Infection Prevention Procedure and Practice Guidelines for Intravenous Access Devices (IVAD)
Mask Fit-Testing Policy for the Prevention of Infection
Protocol for Management of Infection due to Parasites
Policy for the Management of Linen and Laundry Services
The Prevention and Management of Inoculation Injury Policy (Including sharps injuries, splashes, scratches and bites)
Protocol for the Performance of Venepuncture
Decontamination of Medical Devices Policy
High Consequence Infectious Diseases Policy for Initial Management and Investigation of Possible Cases
Seasonal Influenza Clinical Management: Quick Guide for staff
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) and Variant CJD (vCJD) Policy
External Links
National Infection Control Manual (NICM) (2023)
CPE - You have been told that you are colonised with CPE (Leaflet)
CPE (Carbapenease-producing Enterbacteriaceae)- Contact (Leaflet)
VRE (Vancomycin Resistant Enterococci) (Leaflet)
Norovirus - Get the facts (Leaflet)
ESBL (Extended spectrum beta-lactamase producing organisms) (Leaflet)
Clostridiodes Difficile (C.diff) In Hospital (Leaflet)
Clostridiodes Difficile (C. diff) In your own home (Leaflet)
TB Service Home Isolation Policy (Leaflet)