Key Documents
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Please note that the clinical key documents are not designed to be printed, but to be viewed on-line. This is to ensure that the correct and most up to date version is being used. If, in exceptional circumstances, you need to print a copy, please note that the information will only be valid for 24 hours and should be read in conjunction with the Key Document Supporting Information and/or Key Document intranet page, which will provide approval and review information.
These published documents are the most up to date versions and are to be used until a revised version is available
Maternity (formerly Obstetrics)
High Risk Obstetrics
Sub Specialty
Antepartum Haemorrhage Including Massive Obstetric Haemorrhage
Fetal Monitoring- Antenatal (including computerised CTG analysis)
Aspirin SOP
Breech Presentation Guideline (Including ECV, Breech Birth and Emergency Procedure)
27 week pathway adapted from January 2021 ‘BUMP’ pathway
In utero transfer record
Outpatient Induction of Labour (IOL)
Booking form for outpatient IOL
Outpatient Induction of Labour – Telephone Review
Fetal Growth Restriction (FGR)
Multiple Pregnancy
Management Plan for Uncomplicated Multiple Pregnancy - Checklist
Maternal Cardiac Arrest
Antepartum Haemorrhage (APH) (Treatment Pathway)
Placenta Accrete (Management of)
Polyhydramnios Guideline
Preterm Prevention Clinic Treatment Pathway
Guideline on the histopathological assessment of placentas after an adverse pregnancy outcome
Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP)
Guidelines for Referral for Obstetric Anaesthetic Assessment
Surrogacy Guideline
Spontaneous Preterm Labour (Management of)
Tocolysis use in Preterm Labour
Vaginal birth after caesarean section (VBAC)
In utero transfer (IUT) guideline for pregnancies < 27 weeks singleton or birthweight below 800g < 28 weeks for multiple gestation
West Midlands Preterm Birth Symptomatic Assessment Pathway
Reduced Fetal Movements (RFM)
Bereavement Care Guideline for Management of Women and their Family Experiencing the Loss of a Baby
Induction of Labour (IOL) Guideline
Smoking in Pregnancy (SBLCB v3 E1 and CSNT E6)
Pre-labour rupture of Membranes (PROM) - Preterm and Term Guidelines
Obesity or Previous Bariatric Surgery in Pregnancy (Management of)
Use of Vapes in addition to NRT for smoking in pregnancy
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