Key Documents
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Medicines Key Documents
Sub Specialty
Guideline on the use and monitoring of intravenous unfractionated Heparin (UFH) in adults
Animal derived medical products – trust guideline for patients who do not wish to receive medicines containing animal extracts.
Antimicrobial Stewardship Policy
Guidelines on the use of ‘extended interval’ gentamicin therapy
Guideline for the Acute Treatment of Hypomagnesaemia in Adults
Guideline for the treatment of Hypophosphataemia in adults
Management of Hypocalcaemia in adult inpatients
Guideline for the Management of Hypokalaemia in Adults
Policy and Procedures for the Prescribing and Administration of Injectable Medicines
Medicines Policy
Nil By Mouth (NBM) and Peri-operative Medicines Use Guideline
Guidance for handling the spillage of Systemic Anti-Cancer Therapy (SACT) drugs
Procedure for the safe and secure handling of medicines in Theatres
Worcestershire Acute Hospitals Non-Medical Prescribing Policy
Recognition of Opioid Toxicity and Management with Naloxone for Adult Hospital Patients - Guideline
Status Epilepticus Guideline in Adult Patients (17 years and over)
Guideline on the Medicines Management of Parkinson's Disease Patients with Compromised Oral Administration - WAHT-PHA-030
Intravenous Aminophylline for Adults Guideline
Guideline for Management of Free of Charge Medicines Schemes for NHSE Commissioned Medicines
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