Key Documents
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Please note that the clinical key documents are not designed to be printed, but to be viewed on-line. This is to ensure that the correct and most up to date version is being used. If, in exceptional circumstances, you need to print a copy, please note that the information will only be valid for 24 hours and should be read in conjunction with the Key Document Supporting Information and/or Key Document intranet page, which will provide approval and review information.
Critical Care
Sub Specialty
Investigation of Sudden and Unexpected Deaths in Children Under 18 Years
Babies born at Margins of Viability - Network guideline with amendments 2022-24
Contacting a Consultant - Network guideline with amendments 2022-24
Delayed cord clamping - Combined with Network guideline 2022-24
Dropped Baby - Network guideline with amendments 2022-24
Golden Hour- Preterm babies <28 weeks' gestation - Network guideline with amendments 2022-24
Hydrops Fetalis - Network guideline 2022-24
Massive Haemorrhage - Network guideline 2022-24
Pain Assessment and Management - Network guideline 2022-24
Resuscitation - Network guideline 2022-24
Subgaleal Haemorrhage (SGH) - Network guideline 2022-24
Temperature management including Hypothermia - Network guideline 2022-24
Environmental Humidity for premature babies - Local Guideline
Neonatal Difficult Airway Escalation - Local Pathway
NEWTT Chart - Back
NEWTT Chart- Front
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