Key Documents
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Please note that the clinical key documents are not designed to be printed, but to be viewed on-line. This is to ensure that the correct and most up to date version is being used. If, in exceptional circumstances, you need to print a copy, please note that the information will only be valid for 24 hours and should be read in conjunction with the Key Document Supporting Information and/or Key Document intranet page, which will provide approval and review information.
These published documents are the most up to date versions and are to be used until a revised version is available
Maternity (formerly Obstetrics)
Sub Specialty
Hepatitis C Positive in Pregnancy
HIV Positive in Pregnancy
Syphilis In Pregnancy (Screening and Management)
Antenatal Paediatric referral
Chlamydia Screening Guideline
Fetal Anomaly Screening - Down’s, Edward’s and Patau’s Syndrome
Fetal Anomaly Suspected/Identified (Management of)
Hepatitis B Screening and Multidisciplinary care of pregnant women known to be Hepatitis B Positive
Higher Chance Screening Counselling Checklist
Fetal Medicine - Invasive Testing
Increased NT at Dating Scan Counselling Checklist
Low PAPP-A MoM (Management of)
Newborn Bloodspot Screening (NBBS) Guideline
Sickle Cell and Thallassemia in Pregnancy (Management of)
Ultrasound Scans in the third Trimester
Anomaly Ultrasound Scan (18+0 - 20+6)
Dating Scans
Viability Scans
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