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Respiratory Medicine
Key Documents
Sub Specialty
Allergy Skin Prick Testing in Adults Guideline
Guideline for the Prescribing, Monitoring and Administration of Oxygen in Adults
Clinical Policy for the Use of Nebulisers
Chest Drain Flushing in Adult Patients
Ear Lobe Capillary Blood Gas Sampling for Respiratory Practitioners
Guidelines for the use of non-invasive ventilation (Ward-Based BiPAP)
Assessment for Ambulatory Oxygen Therapy - Guideline
Guideline for the Procedure of Pleurodesis with Talc Slurry
Referral to the Lung Cancer MDT Meeting
British Thoracic Society guidelines for the management of suspected acute pulmonary embolism
Pleural procedures and thoracic ultrasound: British Thoracic Society pleural disease guideline 2010
The Management of Adults with community acquired pneumonia (CAP) of all ages in the community or in hospital
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Management of opportunist mycobacterial infections: Joint Tuberculosis Committee guidelines 1999
Chest Drain and Aspiration for Pleural Fluid Procedural Record and Safety Standards
Nurse led removal of chest drain in adult patients
Policy and Procedure for Non Medical Practitioners to perform Chest Drain Insertion and Pleural Aspiration in Adult Patients
DOAC Management Prior to Pleural Procedures
Insertion Of Midline Guideline For Patients On ARU
Insertion Of Midline - Assessment of competence: Ultrasound guided Midline placement
Intrapleural Use of Tissue Plasminogen Activator and Dornase Alpha in Pleural Infection (tPA+DNase) Guideline
Intrapleural Use of tPA+DNase - eConsent Form
Prescribing Guideline for Long Term Off-Label use of Prophylactic Azithromycin for Patients with COPD, Asthma and Bronchiectasis
Pleural Irrigation
Blood Pleurodesis
Arterial Blood Gas Sampling for Trained Professionals
Procedure for Tobacco Dependency Team
Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) Lozenges Patient Information - WAHT-PI-2002
Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) Patches Patient Information Leaflet
Intravenous Aminophylline for Adults Guideline
Operational and Admission Policy for the Respiratory Wards, including Admission into Respiratory High Care Areas
Domicillary Non Invasive Ventilation Service - WAHT-RES-039
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